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新动网 (http://www.xin.sg)

新动网是新传媒集团集中优势资源专为年轻一代而精心打造的新加坡中文生活时尚第一门户。除了提供新闻、娱乐、时尚、 科技等丰富多彩的最新资讯之外,新动网将引领Web 2.0潮流,提供功能强大的用户互动平台。




Message to Rulangnites

Hi Rulangnites,

You might be surprised to see this posting in English. Yes, it's me, Mr Kwan, 关老师.

I have decided to post this in English because many Rulangnites are more comfortable with English. Hence, please bear with my less than perfect English for the next few minutes.

I guess some of you have your own personal blogs. It's just like writing a diary online. You write about your everyday school happenings, the things you like, you dislike, or just anything under the sun. I think blogging is fun and interesting, isn't it?

So you might ask,"What is Mr Kwan trying to tell us?"

Actually, the purpose of this posting is to share with you something about being a responsible blogger.

So what do I mean by being a responsible blogger?

In short, it is about being a blogger who is responsible of what he/she blogs. In other words, a responsible blogger must answer for everything he/she writes in blogs.

How can you become a responsible blogger? Here are some advice:

1) Whatever you post in your blog, it is read by the WHOLE WORLD. That includes your friends, relatives, teachers and even people who don't know you.

Therefore, please mind the language and content of your blog at all times. To date, there are already a couple of Singapore bloggers who are put to jail because they posted racist messages in their blogs. So Rulangnites, do not post rude and insensitive messages in blogs.

2) Plagiarism (copying from others) in blogging is a common problem. We all know we can easily obtain information from the Internet, but we must not copy works from others. We should be original and create blogs which are distinctive and creative.

3) Many blogs allow commenting and contain tagboards (or shoutboxes). I have seen pupils posting silly comments and rude messages in their friends' blogs. I have also noticed some pupils flooding tagboards with meaningless messages and even arguing in blogs! That is not right. It's a complete waste of time to get into disputes online. We should be gracious blog readers and morally upright bloggers.

Alright Rulangnites, that's all from Mr Kwan. Heed my advice and I believe we can make blogging a fun and enjoyable learning experience!


关老师的周记 - 2007年课外活动营(CCA Clinic)



关老师的假期过得相当充实。假期的星期一和星期二,我到学校参与了课外活动营(CCA Clinic)。星期一早上同学们进行类似 Amazing Race 的活动。同学们不只玩得不亦(yì)乐乎,还培养了团体精神(Team work)。


三明治比赛后,Mr Zul 安排了拔河比赛(Tug-of-War)!参赛同学们用尽全力拚命地拉呀拉,在一旁的同学则大声地为他们打气。最后,获胜的那组还和老师比赛。老师们费了九牛二虎之力,最终还是败下阵来。同学们太强壮了!老师们老了,甘拜下风。哈哈。


课外活动营的第二天的下午,关老师因为有事所以没办法和同学一起去 Health Promotion Board。那儿好玩吗?学到了些什么?谁能告诉关老师?


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